Curbing Care & Warranty

First 24 Hours:

  • No watering needed.

  • Keep pets, children, and objects away. It will feel hard but needs more time to fully harden.

After 24 Hours:

  • Sod, sprinkler, and landscaping work can begin, but be careful not to damage the curb.

  • Avoid heavy equipment. If using wheelbarrows, build a ramp or add dirt (6” deep) to protect the curb.

  • No tractors or trucks on the curb.

Rain & Water Precautions:

  • If it rains within 6 hours, cover the curb with plastic.

  • Turn off sprinklers for at least 24 hours.

  • Keep water (sprinklers, pool backwash, rain) away during the first 24 hours.

Efflorescence (White Powder):

  • Caused by water on the curb (sprinklers, rain).

  • Adjust sprinklers to minimize direct spray.

  • To remove: Wait for the curb to dry, then clean with a 50/50 vinegar and water solution using a light brush. Repeat as needed.

  • Efflorescence will eventually stop appearing.

Color Variations:

  • Temporary “splotchy” appearance may occur as it cures. This is normal and will go away.

Damage & Repairs:

  • Repair service: $300 minimum charge.

  • Cracking: Small cracks can occur and are usually controlled by expansion joints.

    • If cracking happens outside the joint, we will replace it at no charge during the warranty period.

    • Note: Color matching for repairs is not always exact. Sometimes, a small crack is less noticeable than a patch.


  • One-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.

  • We will replace defective curbing at no charge if caused by our materials or installation.